
UrbanAce is Introduced as the “Integrated O2O Real Estate Marketing Platform”

1 min read
May 17, 2018
Ronny Waisan, Founder and CEO of UrbanAce and its management team in the grand launching / UrbanAce
Ronny Waisan, Founder and CEO of UrbanAce and its management team in the grand launching / UrbanAce

The property marketplace already has many players. Some of which are already consolidated, the latest is UrbanIndo acquisition by 99.co. Yet it doesn’t discourage Ronny Wuisan, Founder and CEO, to build a service in the similar segment called UrbanAce. It is claimed to be an integrated O2O real estate marketing platform.

UrbanAce didn’t want to be just another property marketplace. It aims for an all-in-one platform for customers who want to purchase, fill-in, rent-off, and sell properties. Was founded in the late 2016 and officially introduced today (5/9), Waisan said UrbanAce has been supported by an angel investor (undisclosed) in two funding rounds.

In addition, UrbanAce also managed its own agent community known as UrbanAce Ambassador and training for sales property in the form of UrbanAce Academy.

The ambassador will help to sell properties in UrbanAce based on commission. Consumers with select properties to be listing in UrbanAce will be assisted and helped through every visit of the buyers and settlement.

By the end of last year, the service has recorded sales worth of $22 million for 300 unit properties with 300 ambassadors.

“UrbanAce provides an innovative feature to facilitate consumers to have customer journey with the Ambassadors in managing properties such as purchasing, interior, rents, and sells. UrbanAce technology is integrated online and offline, the partnership with Fabelio and Dizen [interior providers] is our step to provide better services for the customers,” he said.

Can’t go completely online

Waisan, with autodidact background as property broker, admits that property transaction can’t be going completely online. Especially if it’s a secondary property. Consumers have to see the physical form with the legal condition and its documents before deciding to buy a property. It validates the company’s step to build ambassador network.

“UrbanAce Ambassador is not only about trading. It involves trust and commitment to giving the best for consumer’s pleasure. Therefore, we create UrbanAce Academy and awarding those who put their best effort and having a good character and integrity.”

This year’s target

The CEO said that its team is planning for expansion to other cities outside Jabodetabek, targeting Surabaya this year. Furthermore, UrbanAce intent to expand for at least in 20 cities in the near future.

In terms of technology, the company will develop a more mobile-friendly site. They’re currently focused on desktop version for customers and mobile app for ambassadors.

He also said UrbanAce aims to sell property products worth 700 billion Rupiah in total this year.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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