
Updaterus.com Has Launched The Beta Version

1 min read
September 27, 2011

Last week, DailySocial informed about a service which will be launched on Monday, 26th of September 2011, it is yesterday. The startup is Updaterus.com which has launched its beta version yesterday. Updaterus.com is a part of PT Alternative Media Group that works on media business.

Cited from the official press release we received, the background of Updaterus.com is “learning from the fact that there are many females in Indonesia have habits to upload their photos as photo profile on social media, and update their page by other newest photos. On the other hand, some of males on social media like to explore beautiful females’ profile on their friends’ list.”

Actually, Updaterus.com is a time-based site with user generated content. According to the Facebook Page, “Updaterus.com is a fun and pretty way for girls and women to see the time, and upload their coolest photo and the place for boys and men to admire the beauties in every minutes.” In brief, Updaterus.com is a time (watch) indicator that shows Indonesian females photos that will automatically change every minute.

Updaterus.com also asks female users (beauties) to upload and show their newest photo and invite male users (audiences) to celebrate and admire the Indonesian females’ beauty via Updaterus.com using “cute” feature to their favorite users’ photos. The “cute” feature is similar to “like” feature on Facebook. Other than that, there are also some features on Updaterus.com such as “follow” that allows audiences (not only males) to follow their favorite beauties. They will get update anytime the beauties upload new photos.

Another feature is the competition, in which the most voted (cute) beauties will get interesting prize for each week, month, or year. To consider social networking with other social media, there is also a feature to show the profile and Facebook and Twitter account.

As discussed previously, the monetizing way of Updaterus.com is through advertisement. Updaterus.com has been received income from advertisement before it launched. DailySocial readers may also realize that there is a big brand put their banner on Updaterus.com.

Let’s wait for the next surprises from Updaterus.com.

1 Comment

  1. The beta version has performed impressively. 🙂 Truly I’m feeling so comfortable by using this The Beta Version. I can say easily that people who were looking for this they use it without any doubt. Thanks!

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