
TokoBagus’s New Look

1 min read
May 30, 2012

TokoBagus.com has debuted a new look, which in my opinion is more cozy, cleaner and makes its services more enjoyable to use.

The new look features icons that are interestingly designed, such as the ‘Hot’ caption that match the product photo box, for list of products that TokoBagus considers as the product of choice. The dsisplay for product/seller profile is also pretty pleasant: with a box-like appearance we often see in daily deals service. This box contains a description of the seller and the button to send email. The design was also changed and of course, I think it’s better than before.

On the home page, the look has also changed but you can still access some existing features such as choosing products based on location on the map or searching in the search column, selecting province or by category but the appearance now looks ‘neat’ and you can also select a category based on goods’ icon, replacing a boring text list. For the ad page, the option to see all products or new product and used goods become easier with the availability of options that are one click away.

If you look at the announcement, there are many updates being done. Of course, the most noticeable is the appearance of TokoBagus’s site, on the home page as well as on the detail in product page. Changes made include ad facility and dashboard for advertisers.

After trying on it for a moment, I quite like its new look, especially the product display. The appearance in the list in general – which is neater and more informative or when we look at the product detail, the “scroll effect” makes it easy to contact the seller when we’re done looking at the detail photo. Featuring a choice of two ways to display the product and listing the product based on the price are also a nice addition, in my opinion. Even though those are not something new because in other service, we can find such features.

A look may not be the main thing, at least for some users. There are some who prefer completeness of information or product data and, more importantly, the service from available seller but I welcome this change of look of TokoBagus, especially the one related with user experience and not just appearance. Unfortunately, I only has the change to try in a glimpse a couple of features in this new look. Hopefully, the next experience from TokoBagus will be as nice as the first impression I got.

The information about the changes can be found on this page.

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