
TokoBagus Adds Minor Redesign, Aims for 200% Traffic Increase

1 min read
December 16, 2011

One of Indonesia’s biggest ecommerce site, TokoBagus recently revamp their website and even claim better User Interface that got positive reviews from users. TokoBagus CEO, Arnold Egg told us that the revamp is based on feedback from 1.7 million members and 10 million monthly visitors.

Although it doesn’t extremely changing from the previous version, you will definitely see the difference once you actually use the site. All comfortable, friendly and intuitive. Arnold Egg is optimistic that this minor changes can give them 200% increase in traffic. The fact that they’re still focusing on traffic (instead of revenue) baffles me to no end but it’s still a justifiable reason looking at Indonesia’s early market.

Tokobagus has been very aggresive in getting their ecommerce site to Indonesian consumer, be it using online campain but also investing a huge chunk of money for offline campaign throuh tv and radio ads. It seems that TokoBagus has no doubt about the future of Indonesia’s market potential.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]

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