
This Week’s Dailylicious Recap

3 mins read
July 4, 2011

Before we write a variety of information received by DailySocial editorial staff and wrote it on DailySocial or Dailylicious, there is an announcements related to Dailylicious web address.

We decided to change the address of Dailylicious. Previous addresses can be accessed at Dailylicio.us but now readers can access it at http://licious.dailysocial.net/.

Ok, let’s go to the first news that we share in Dailylicious, it was Yahoo! that organized a hacking event, this time it called Hack & Roll. From the name it’s not wrong if you guessed this event has to do with Koprol. Hack & Roll is a hacking event by using API from Koprol, the event is based in Indonesia and the Philippines. Event posters can be seen here and additional information can be viewed at the following DailySocial article.

Next is interesting information from Foursquare. We are posting information that we obtained directly from Foursquare about their users in SE Asia. Users from Indonesia known to be quite active and become one of the biggest users of Foursquare, it’s evidenced by a brief information describing users in Indonesia are the largest users in SE Asia, ranking above Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.

In addition to information on Dailylicious, there is lots of interesting information that we received in the editorial of DailySocial relating to the acquisition. DealKeren, one of the biggest daily deals players in Indonesia finally acquired by LivingSocial, Groupon competitors. LivingSocial acquired DealKeren parent company Ensogo, more at this link. In addition, one other acquisition news comes from Detik.com which was acquired by Para Group, we launched the initial news and we have updated with some additional information.

Another interesting article is about mig33 expansion plans in 2011. Mig33 has a fairly large number of users in Indonesia (30 million) and a team from DailySocial had the opportunity to talk with Kiki Rizki (Indonesia Country Manager) and Chris Chandler (VP Business Development – via Skype), full article can be found here. Still in connection with mobile, we also have article about Southeast Asia users who welcomed the in-app purchase on iOS.

Back to Dailylicious, there is information about the Founder Institute Jakarta, which held their first event at Pacific Place, Jakarta. This event took place on June 29, you can read the coverage by Kompas on this link or go to their official website.

Another information relating to Google’s new service which become the ‘hot news’, what else if it’s not Google+. Google finally launched their social service (after Wave that end and Buzz) with a better, even many who say brilliant, Google+ get a warm welcome enough from the early adopter, including in Indonesia, unfortunately, the invitation that had to be shared by those who can already access Google+ have been discontinued, why, because the demand is booming, Vic Gundotra – Senior Vice-President of Social Google announce it via Google+.

But according to Dave Besbris which is the engineering director of Google+, there are ways you can do to invite others to join, you can read how to do it at this link, but we get some comments that this method can no longer be use. And yes, looks like Google shut down this invitation method the day after we put up this trick despite what Besbris said. Those who haven’t managed to sign up will now have to wait until Google opens its doors againWe’re still experimenting, hopefully it still can.

Completing the news about the acquisition of Detik.com, we share the link of articles written by the Jakarta Globe informing about the acquisitions number of Detik.com by Para Group with more than $ 40 million (in the range of $ 40-100 million).

In addition to the above information, there are also some articles about investors, among others is Ideosource which officially launched and announced their incubation portfolio of eEvent.com. Ideasource fronted by Andi Boediman.

Then we also released a short list of investors in technology in Indonesia, there are 11 investors in the form of an accelerator, a business incubator or VC, more can be viewed at this link.

We also have a variety of articles from guest writers who write very interesting article in accordance with their respective fields, this week there Narenda Wicaksono, Didiet Noor, and Sigit Purnomo.

Oh, almost forgot, there is one important news that I have not mention, Friendster, yup this legendary social networking did a rebranding and relaunched as a gaming platform. Once purchased by MOL, Friendster established to enter the online gaming market, of course, with social elements obtained from social networking.

You can go to each links above to view detailed information and articles or read the full article at DailySocial for  news, opinion, analysis or other articles, and head to the new Dailylicious web address in licious.dailysocial.net to get various local and international information briefly but hard to miss.

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