
Tees Indonesia Sealed An Undisclosed Funding

1 min read
April 6, 2015

Tees Indonesia has just announced the latest funding it secured from 500 Startups, 8Capita, and a number of angel investors from Indonesia led by Badroni Yuzirman, Tangan Di Atas (TDA)’s Founder, in an undisclosed manner.

The funding is going to be allocated for Tees’ expansion outside of Indonesia, with Southeast Asia being the most feasible market so far, Tees’ Co-Founder Gary Lilardi said. “The combination of local and regional investors convinced us to spread our wings to regional scale,” Lilardi stated in his press release.

Aria Rajasa, another Tees’ Co-Founder, claimed that his team, which consists of 15 people, will focus on bringing Tees to markets like Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. “We will, too, attempt to enter the global market and are looking for distributing partners that may help us with this,” Rajasa, who once established Gantibaju.com as well, said.

Khailee Ng of 500 Startups was on the same page, “Such business model has been proven to be successful in many countries. Indonesia and Southeast Asia are the next two best options for the business model development.”

Tees Indonesia was started as an on-demand service platform. Now, it offers many kinds of products, including mugs, posters, jackets, canvas, casing, and many others. It’s not a surprise if later, Tees also provide products other than t-shirts.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]

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