Indonesia Tops Asia Pacific Online Shopping Through Smartphones Says MasterCard MasterCard released its survey for 2012 on the online shopping behaviors in Asia Pacific which involved 7011 respondents from 14 countries. According March 21, 2013 Hybrid
Effective Measure: Pengguna Internet Indonesia Belum Percaya E-Commerce Sebuah laporan terbaru dari Effective Measure baru-baru ini diterbitkan berisi analisa mendalam mengenai perilaku konsumen e-commerce di Indonesia. Salah satu fakta yang February 7, 2013 Hybrid
MarkPlus Insight: There Are 61 Million Internet Users In Indonesia As with previous years, MarkPlus Insight released data regarding the use of Internet in Indonesia. The conclusion drawn from this report is November 14, 2012 Hybrid
Nielsen : Google Maps Jadi Rujukan Utama Traveller Amerika Serikat Google Maps baik versi aplikasi maupun web, menjadi rujukan utama orang-orang yang bepergian di Amerika Serikat selama bulan Juni 2012 yang lalu. August 31, 2012 Hybrid
Radio Remains Top Source of New Music Discovery In America, radio remains the primary source of new music discovery for music listeners. 48% of the people surveyed said that they August 16, 2012 Hybrid
GfK: Smartphone Boom Continues in Southeast Asia GfK Asia released the results of a survey conducted in several countries in Southeast Asia, related to smartphone sales in the region. The May 1, 2012 Hybrid
Ipsos survey : Indonesians Are Profilific Users of Email, Social Media, Internet Banking, and Entertaiment Online Last week, you read the analysis and opinion from Wiku about Ipsos’ survey result. At that time, Wiku raised the issue of April 24, 2012 Hybrid
Agate Survey: Indonesians Love RPG, Strategy and FPS Games One of the most prominent game studio in Indonesia, Agate Studio, held a survey about gaming in Indonesia. 1200 gamers were participating February 29, 2012 Hybrid
MarkPlus Insight Survey: Indonesia Has 55 million Internet Users How many internet users are there in Indonesia? 30 million? 40 million? We might never know the exact number of it, but November 1, 2011 Hybrid
Nielsen: The Usage of Mobile Phone to Access Internet in SEA is Increasing The newest report from Nielsen about the internet access behavior in South East Asia shows that the usage of mobile phone to September 24, 2011 Hybrid