[DS Notes] Kim Dotcom Has a Patent on Two Factor Authentication Two-factor authentication is a secure login method involving the use of a second passcode to access a service transmitted when a login May 24, 2013 Hybrid
Twitter Kembalikan Kendali Paten ke Tangan Para Penemu Di tengah pertempuran besar paten yang dihadapi antara berbagai perusahaan teknologi di AS dan di seluruh dunia, Twitter ingin mendobrak kondisi ini April 19, 2012 Hybrid
Twitter is Putting Patents Back in the Hands of Inventors Amid these massive patent battles being fought among technology companies in the US and across the world, Twitter aims to disrupt the April 19, 2012 Hybrid
When a Company Being Assessed by How Many Patents They Hold After the acquisition of (patent held by) Nortel then Motorola Mobility, suddenly patent became something important and priceless. In the USA, the August 22, 2011 Hybrid
Ketika Perusahaan Divaluasi Berdasarkan Jumlah Paten yang Dimilikinya Setelah akuisisi terhadap (paten yang dimiliki oleh) Nortel dan kemudian Motorola Mobility, tiba-tiba paten menjadi sesuatu yang penting dan berharga. Di Amerika August 19, 2011 Hybrid