Anda sudah melihat-lihat soal Yotomo? Yotomo, aplikasi mobile berbasis Foursquare dengan rasa lokal yang didirikan oleh Wahyudi dan dibantu oleh tim Better-B,
Foursquare, Gowalla, Google Latitude with Mobile Check-in, Facebook Places, Yahoo! Koprol; There are lots of location based check in service available. When has officially launched their service. offers discount from various merchant, when this article was written, there are at least two
AdaDiskon launched daily deals service that provides many offerings from various local business locations in the form of discount coupons. AkuPlusKamu provide discount
Pada acara BlackBerry DEVCON Asia 2011, Love Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu aplikasi pemenang regional dari acara developer challenge, meluncurkan fasilitas baru