
Strengthen IoT Line, Telkomsel Launches FleetSight

1 min read
December 11, 2017
(Le-Ri) Telkomsel's Sales Director Sukardi Silalahi, Planning & Transformation Edward Ying, President Director Ririek Adriansyah, dan IoT's Vice President Marina Kacaribu in Telkomsel's FleetSight launch / Telkomsel

Telkomsel launches fleet management solution for corporate called FleetSight, part of company’s agenda in providing internet of things (IoT)-based service in Indonesia.

FleetSight is a fleet management solution that synergizes satellite-based telematics devices (including censor) set in vehicles / moving assets. The device is supported by Telkomsel connectivity within over 95% coverage area of 2G and 3G in Indonesia

It is a result of collaboration with Sascar, a tire and mobility company. It becomes the global-scale fleet management solution provider with more than 265 thousands connected to its platform. The extras claimed to be a distinction between FleetSight with any similar solution of other companies.

The solution is expected to help the enterprise in facing any issues related to fleet operations, by minimizing risks regarding vehicle investment through improving fleet’s safety, security and productivity.

“FleetSight is a packet. It is flexible, with tools and connectivity. A managed service default, not to confuse customers. If there is something wrong, we’ll replace it. In case you want to buyback, it’s OK,” Ririek Adriannsyah, Telkomsel’s President Director, said, on Monday (11/27)

Adriansyah believed the fleet management market share is very broad. The number of vehicles (except motorcycle) reached 24 million items last year, 40% are commercial with 6% growth rate per year. Logistics and Transportation cost has reached 24% of total GDP and the highest one in Southeast Asia. It’s the story about fleet management high-demand.

Vertical solution integrated with Telkomsel’s IoT Control Center is an answer to every needs in optimizing productivity and improving safety of existing operation fleet.

FleetSight users targeted by Telkomsel are those businessman engaging in logistics and transportation. There are three clients, namely Astra Daihatsu Motor, Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA), and Koperasi Telekomunikasi Selular (Kisel).

PAMA will use FleetSight in monitoring truck and operational vehicles to improve safety standard. Given all this, many moving assets engaging and spreading across isolated area. It makes transportation important in running business.

Daihatsu on the other hand, want efficiency for sales and operational vehicles. They already tested FleetSight for operational cars used by expat workers.

“We emphasize on after sales service, where we can monitor the impact of FleetSight usage on client’s business. On how far they get their efficiency,” Marina Kacaribu, Telkomsel IoT’s Vice President, said.

The launch of FleetSight, Kacaribu continued, is a further commitment from Telkomsel to focus on developing IoT-based solution. Previously, Telkomsel has launched IoT solution to target B2C segment, T-Drive, and T-Bike.

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