
Skystar Ventures Incubator’s Second Batch is Now Open

1 min read
September 29, 2014

Prepare yourself startups, as the Skystar Ventures’ second batch of incubation is now open. The registration period will last until November 27, 2014 and the program would be started on February 26, 2015. This event will provide the chosen ones with a number of helpful weapons that are highly beneficial to survive in the industry.

Skystar Ventures, which is led by Geraldine Oetama as its Excecutive Director and backed up by Kompas Gramedia (KG) Group and Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), was established by the end of last year. The board members are prominent individuals at KG, including Edi Taslim (Digital Group Director of KG), Bimo Setiawan (Managing Director of Kompas TV), Liliek Oetama (Excecutive Director of PT Grahawita Santika), and Andrey Andoko (Vice Dean of Multimedia Nusantara University). The event would also feature a number of mentors who will guide the startups.

For the second batch, Skystar Ventures is looking for startups founded by 2-3 talented individuals who have background in IT, marketing/management, or design. T Startups are to be categorized in e-commerce, education, mobile, social, SaaS, media, or infrastructure segment, although those who’s doing business in other segments may register as well. One thing for sure, eligible startups should still be on their early stage and have already had their own traction, consumers, and growth.

A number of benefits are there for the chosen ones, including seed funding, intensive mentoring, and Skystar Ventures’ infrastructures (by this, we mean 900 square meters of workplace, Wi-Fi connection, cafe, a collaboration with 6000 UMN students, pitching opportunity with KG network as well as investors, you name it).

Interested startups may register themselves here.

The opening of Skystar Ventures incubator’s second batch expand the opportunity of gaining intensive assistance to promote the products as well as insights from the experts. Previously, a number of similar programs have already been carried on, i.e the Indosat and Mountain SEA Ventures-supported Ideabox which have just appointed a number of startups for its second batch and Telkom-initiated Indigo Fenox which is led by Nicko Widjaja as the Program Director and is currently holding a reference-based closed recruitment process.

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