
[Simply Business] Startup Launch Checklist

2 mins read
June 21, 2012

Launching a new startup is one of the most exciting time of the startup life cycle. It’s the time when you are finally ready to show your baby to the world, the one that you have developed and nurtured for months and maybe years. It is definitely exciting, but it is hard nonetheless.

Doubts will rise as whether or not your product is ready for public use, have you gotten everything right, etc. Well, as someone that is in the middle of launching a new startup as well, let me share you a startup launch checklist. This is my checklist so I would expect some differences, and also hope that if I miss anything then you guys can correct me as well. So here goes:


This is obvious but test everything, not just the success scenario but also the wrong ones. Test for malicious inputs (sql injections, weird characters, etc). Make sure you got the flow right, speedy return and easy to understand language.

I usually ask about 10 random friend outside of the company to test a couple of scenarios from different browsers, OS and countries to identify problems. You will not get everything but at least you’ll get a couple of squashed bugs just enough to get it launched. After that, if you’re an e-commerce, test your purchase, customer service and return policy procedure and make sure they work nicely and as promised.

Don’t forget to test from mobile and tablets as well. For mobile development you can use TestFlight or HockeyApp to invite beta testers and monitor crash logs.

2. Recheck your solid first-traction plan

Ok you’re ready for a launch, have you gotten yourself a solid first-traction plan? You know, the plan on getting your first one thousand users? Do you have a budget for marketing?

Think about how you can gain traction. You can advertise on media, make a campaign in social media, do a funny video promoting your website.

You can also launch on a big event like Echelon, Startup Asia or Popcon Asia to get initial offline traffic. Events like that does not cost much and is pretty effective on gaining early adopters.

3. Recheck your terms and condition

This is usually the most overlook part of the site. Terms and condition, Rules of usage and Privacy Policy is very important as this is your top shield on any user complaints or (worse) legal litigations. It is important to recheck to your legal department or consultant to make sure that you’re safe legally.

After launch, you are obligated to tell all your members whenever you make changes so be careful on this.

4. Re-Contact all your launch partners

Ok now YOU are ready, but what about your partners? Assuming you’re launching with partners like how Bouncity launches with their merchants, you need to recheck with them on their readiness and availability in implementing your plan together. Recheck the flow and make sure they are as ready as you are.

Sometimes the mistake is not yours, but it is your mistake for letting it happen.

5. Be ready!

When you have checked everything and everything is right, be ready for launch. Make sure that your server can withold the load and your staffs can handle those overwhelming request and purchase orders.

Get your heart ready as well if your startup idea does not work and people don’t get what you’re trying to do. This is also a possibility.

That is it from me and good luck launching your new startup!

Aria Rajasa is the CEO of gantibaju.com, a clothing startup backed by a very strong designer community. His passion in entrepreneurship has gotten him to establish a number of companies in technology and design industries since leaving university.



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