
Rolling Out Changes, Tweaks, and Improvements to DailySocial

1 min read
January 4, 2014

Hey everyone, if you’re a regular reader of DailySocial, you would have noticed that there’s been a lot of changes that we implemented on the site since late November last year. These changes are still ongoing as we are rolling out long overdue tweaks and improvements across the board. When we’re done, we expect the site to be easier to explore and deliver more value to our readers.

DailySocial remains a blog covering Indonesia’s startup, mobile, and tech scene but we have decided to devote our resources to delivering our articles in Indonesian given that over 80 percent of our readers are local. If you wish to read DailySocial coverage in English, we have embedded Google Translate tools into the site and we even added an option for Japanese since apparently there’s quite a bit of interest for that.

The decision to go full Indonesian means that the English site has been repurposed to be an editorial blog in which we inform readers of updates and changes to the site but we’ll also post English language opinion pieces here every now and then. All of the old posts will remain where they have always been so you can easily find them.

Some of the changes we implemented unfortunately caused a lengthy downtime between November and December, and we apologize for that but I think we’ve sorted things out as it has been stable since. If the site becomes inaccessible, we’ll keep you updated on Twitter.

You may have noticed that we introduced Imago, a repository of technology industry related images, charts, infographics, and photos that we find interesting and worth sharing. Some of it are from our own discoveries and archives while others are from across the internet. Over time, we plan to make Imago easier to navigate and search for the benefit of anyone who wish to take advantage of our collection. Imago will replace a lot of what we used our Tumblr for but we are keeping our Tumblr around for certain situations which may call the need for it.

Aside from Imago, we have included links to Trenologi, our consumer technology site which we launched back in August of 2012. Lots of tech news that we don’t cover, such as gadget rumors, reviews, personal tech guides, for example, are available over there although the site does syndicate some of our stories as well. Unlike DailySocial though, Trenologi does not have Google Translate embedded.

As always, if you have news tips, you can get in touch with us here, if you wish to give us a heads up on your startup, you can let us know here. Advertisers can contact us here or if you simply want to contact us for other matters, you can reach us here.

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