
RIM prepares $5 million research fund for ITB

1 min read
March 6, 2012

As reported by several media, last Saturday RIM has signed a partnership agreement with Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and will deliver a $5 million fund in several stages. The fund will be used mainly for mobile app development and research. ITB is the first campus in Indonesia to strike this kind of partnership with Canada-based RIM.

“This investment will be used for research and development mainly for mobile application, where ITB excels. The fund will also be used to build the first RIM Innovation Center” said Andy Cobham, President Director RIM Indonesia as quoted from ITB’s announcement.

RIM is famous amongst the academic community, of course it’s understandable since RIM itself was born the academic environment of University of Waterloo Canada. And RIM is also known for its generosity and donation for University of Waterloo’s research facility.

As said in the press release, the objective of this partnership is so universities can educate their students about mobile app development, and give boost in terms of helping them get a job in the field as well as creating new opportunities in the mobile space. Previously, Microsoft and Nokia did the similar partnership with some of Indonesia’s top universities.

I can’t deny the fact that this is one of RIM’s CSR initiatives, as promised to Indonesian government. RIM has been dealing with Indonesia government who kept chasing them to fulfill their promise to invest more in Indonesia after RIM decided to setup their factory in neighboring country. But at least, RIM is doing Indonesia a good and big favor for a better cause.

I personally think that RIM has done a good job with their decision to invest in college students in Indonesia. Specially for the Innovation Center, I think other phone vendor should consider doing the same approach to increase excitement amongst local developers. With more and more developer jumping in the platform, it can help Indonesia to raise beyond consumer market and more into producing good local and international apps as well.

I sincerely hope this investment in education for research and development can be effective.

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