
Print Your Own Pictures With Printerous

1 min read
November 14, 2012

Instagram as a popular social network site indeed hasn’t managed to succeed in drawing revenue from its members, aside from receiving funding from investors and eventually acquired by Facebook. However, there are many services which utilize Instagram as its revenue source. I once tried Stickygram service to print pictures on Instagram as fridge magnets. Another one which also utilizes Instagram is Printerous and this service is already soft launched here.

Printerous is established by the team at Weekend Inc., with Kevin Osmond as the CEO. Osmond was one of the key persons of the location based service, Bouncity (which later on was sold to Qeon). Weekend Inc. was established by Osmond together with Richard Fang, concentrating on project-based jobs. The technical team running Printerous is separate from Weekend Inc. to ensure the quality of the product is not compromised.

Printerous uses Instagram photos as its base. Printing may be in the form of photobook, canvas art, sticker an fridge magnet. Once we authenticate through Instagram, all of our uploaded photos are available to print based on the product and size. The offered price is varied and now Printerous offers free shipping to any region in Indonesia.

Printerous receives payment through bank transfer (BCA), credit card and PayPal. Osmond promised that the ordered item will be shipped in seven working days afterpayment is made.

I personally haven’t got the chance to try accessing the whole cycle; from choosing a photo, payment and receiving the item. However, seeing the interesting and easy to understand display when choosing a photo, I am hoping the end product received by the customer is also as great as what is displayed on the website. Printerous is committed to give 100% satisfaction for its customers. If the customer is not satisfied, it is ready to replace with no additional charge.

Currently, Printerous only supports pictures displayed on Instagram. Even so, Kevin stated that in the future, customers will be able to use their Facebook and Flickr accounts as their virtual photo album.

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