
Online Travel Platform GoIndonesia To Be Launched Soon

1 min read
November 8, 2011

A new travel site will be launched this November, the site is called GoIndonesia and they’re aiming to be an online social platform for everything related with travel. GoIndonesia will also enable visitors to make an online reservation and also online payment.

GoIndonesia will also provide an integrated solution for hotels, end-consumer and travel agents. This integrated system will also provide several payments options such as credit cards, bank transfers, internet banking and also pay on the spot.

This concept of integrated online travel platform could be a huge business especially if nicely integrated with international platforms. But of course all of this is just the concept, we still need to see whether GoIndonesia can live up to their own words and expectations.

So far, most of the travel portal sites in Indonesia is merely an online brochure for the real offline backend process. It remains to be seen what GoIndonesia has to offer in the travel business in Indonesia. Let’s wait for it.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]


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