
Once the most popular microblogging service around, Kronologger shutting down

1 min read
November 19, 2010

Another day, another startup dies. After the sad day for ArusMedia, now the grim reaper pays a visit to an old-school microblogging service, Kronologger. Founded by a serial entrepreneur Kukuh TW, who also went on and founded KumpulBlogger and IDBlogNetwork and made a decent amount of money from these two services with it’s solid business model.

Founded in 2007, it was originally named Kronologis.com and it was meant to be a weekend-hack project for Kukuh  TW, he’s a hacker type who always keep on doing something new. So when Kukuh met Budi Putra (was the CEO of Asia Blogging Network), the two decided to rebrand the service and give it a new name, Kronologger, as a more serious project under the flagship of Asia Blogging Network. Budi Putra went on leaving Asia Blogging Network for Country Editor position at Yahoo! Indonesia, which basically leaves Kronologger out there all alone in the cold.

It’s just obvious for Kronologger to die after Budi Putra left Asia Blogging Network, maybe its just waiting for the right time to announce its demise. Founder Kukuh TW eventually went on and announce that they’re shutting down the microblogging service via a series of tweets last night. It’s definitely a sad day for few people who actually still use the service , which is not much, really.

Kukuh TW said that the reason they’re shutting down the service due to the limited resource for both maintaining the service and to develop the service to a more advanced level. The other reason being the existence of big advanced microblogging services such as Twitter, Plurk, Foursquare, etc. By shutting down Kronologger, Kukuh TW can focus on his other projects and dedicate his valuable time with his new ad network startups.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]


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