
Official: Twitter Appoints Rick Mulia as the Business Head for Indonesia

1 min read
October 30, 2014

Twitter has officially appointed Rick Mulia as the Business Head for Indonesia, at least that’s what stated on a release sent to us. Mulia, who is assigned to push Twitter’s sales based on his excellent track record in sales, would be Twitter’s first employee in Indonesia, as we have previously reported.

Along with the appointment, Mulia has a number of new responsibilities to carry on, including to prepare the office in Indonesia, generate more commercial opportunities for Twitter to take, and partner with brands and agencies to maximize the targeted direct marketing valuation.

Furthermore, he will also get involved in Twitter’s growth in Indonesia, from users to influencers, partners, to advertisers. He will work from Singapore temporarily while waiting for the office in Indonesia to be finished, which would take a couple of months ahead.

Rick Mulia has been working in digital scene for more than 18 years. Prior joining Twitter, he is Wego’s Chief Advertising & Sales Officer, and he was responsible for everything related to advertisements. Before Wego, Mulia helped Microsoft re-building MSN all over Southeast Asia, partnering with MediaCorp to create xinmsn, and with Telkom Indonesia to establish PlasaMSN. He also once worked at Yahoo! For eight years and helped the company establishing its business in Southeast Asia and Australia.


“I am extremely glad to be part of Twitter and to be its spearhead for an expansion to Indonesia, one of largest internet, mobile, and social media market in the world. We have had a successful business in Indonesia and there is a significant potential to get connected with users, partners and advertisers in our latest information network. I can’t wait to start working,” Mulia stated in his release.

Parminder Singh, Twitter’s Managing Director for Southeast Asia, India, Middle East, and North Africa, is optimistic that Mulia’s experience and prominent background in internet scene would add even more value to Twitter Indonesia.

“Rick shares tons of experience in developing the internet market in all regions, ever since he was a part of Yahoo! Southeast Asia’s pioneers, until when he held the regional advertising as Microsoft and Wego’s Country Head. His experience would enable us building Twitter in Indonesia, recruiting exceptional talents, and taking our business in one of biggest markets to the next level,” Singh stated.

[Header illustration: Shutterstock]

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