
Nusaresearch Crowned PriceArea as the Most Popular Price Comparison Platform

1 min read
December 24, 2014

Recently, Nusaresearch conducted a reserach on price comparison websites in Indonesia based on the PBI (Propular Brand Index) and the visitors’ Top of Mind. After series of research processes, which were conducted toward 2000 respondents from economic class A and B, PriceArea came out as the most popular service.

PriceArea had the highest PBI index, which was 20.2, followed by Hargamurah as the runner-up with 15.7, and Telunjuk in the third place.

When being compared based on their Top of Mind (TOM), PriceArea, again, came on top, followed by HargaMurah, Telunjuk, and PricePanda. Interestingly, the high brand awareness that Hargamurah gained was primarily because of the help of the auxiliary card. Without it, it is quite impossible for the platform to be placed second on the list.

In the last three months, HargaMurah became the most visited platform with 21.8%, while PriceArea become the runner-up with 17.8%.

Another element being measured was the Future Intention. The percentage of it was measured by looking at the number of loyal respondents and those who were about to migrate. Based on this, Hargamurah was placed first with 21.8%, followed by PriceArea with 20.4%.

One thing to be aware of is the fact that the average Ever Visited Rate percentage is way lower than the Brand Awareness, suggesting that the presence of auxiliary cards is not that much of a help.

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