
Nokia Uji Coba Browser Xpress untuk Seri Lumia

2 mins read
October 10, 2012

Tidak puas dengan kinerja browser bawaan di smartphone Windows Phone? Nokia saat ini tengah menguji coba (beta) browser Xpress miliknya untuk diaplikasikan di berbagai smartphone seri Lumia, termasuk nantinya Lumia 920 dan 820 yang berbasis Windows Phone 8. Peminatnya bisa mengunjungi laman Nokia Betalabs untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan cara pengunduhannya.

Browser Xpress sendiri sudah populer untuk seri Asha, di mana proses kompresi dilakukan di server (server side), sehingga rendering suatu situs bisa dilakukan lebih efisien dan lebih efektif secara biaya. Kira-kira prosesnya serupa dengan yang dilakukan oleh Opera Mini. Kompresi data yang dihasilkan diklaim oleh Nokia bisa mencapai 85%.

Keunggulan apa saja yang diberikan oleh Nokia Xpress untuk Lumia (beta) ini? Beberapa poin berikut ini bisa memberikan gambarannya:

Save more.  Get the most out of your data plan by harnessing the Nokia Xpress internet platform behind the app. It automatically compresses data by up to 85% so you use less of your data plan and save battery charge, all while rapidly getting to the sites you care about. Nokia Xpress for Lumia offers several tools for controlling your data usage and ultimately saving more money, including:

  • Data Usage Monitoring – Data usage and savings are reported as a live tile on the start page and via a detailed dashboard in the app, giving you a quick view of your data usage and savings.
  • Saved Pages – store any web page locally to view later from the “Saved Pages” screen or pinned to the start screen, even with no cellular data connection. Useful in situations like checking in with your mobile boarding pass at the airport when there’s no coverage, or preparing your reading list for the train ride home.
  • Save to SkyDrive – love that new video?  Save it to SkyDrive with just a click without having to use any of your precious data plan.  The video will be waiting for you on SkyDrive where you can download it later when you’re on Wi-Fi, at your PC or on a preferred data connection. Share it easily with your friends. (MP4, PDF and other file types are supported)

Discover more.  Use the convenient Nokia Xpress for Lumia start screen as a jumping off point to the latest that the web has to offer. Convenient, time-saving features enable you to rapidly retrieve your favorite content and quickly share with your social network, including:

  • Magazine – Nokia’s unique Magazine feature automatically asks you if you want to add sites with feeds to your collection as you visit them. It then presents the feeds to you in an appealing, easy-to-use magazine layout. Turn the pages with a swipe to quickly and easily read what most interests you.
  • QuickLinks – automatically adds tiles for your frequently visited sites on the QuickLinks screen and orders them based on frequency of visit. This effortless way to organize frequent destinations means you’re only a click away from the content that you care about most.

Do more. Nokia Xpress for Lumia also includes several new and interesting features to deliver a uniquely Nokia experience on Windows Phone, including:

  • Smart & Easy Discovery – tap on a word that you want to learn more about and Nokia Xpress will discover related content with automatic contextual search for you.  Swipe through screens of related content from Wikipedia, Bing and YouTube. It’s that simple.
  • Translations – one click language translation is available for virtually any web page, making more content accessible to you. Just navigate to the page you’re interested in, tap on the ‘translate to’ option in the app menu and select from one of the 10 currently available languages. The Nokia Xpress internet platform will do all the work for you.

Satu hal yang menjadi perhatian saya adalah dukungan terhadap format HTML5. Mengingat seri Lumia lebih powerful ketimbang feature phone dan tidak adanya dukungan terhadap format flash di platform Windows Phone, dukungan terhadap HTML5 sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Meskipun demikian, mengingat cara kerjanya yang serupa dengan Opera Mini, kecil kemungkinannya Nokia Xpress mendukung HTML5 untuk tampilan video, musik dan animasi grafis lainnya. Ada yang bisa mengkonfirmasi soal HTML5 di Nokia Xpress untuk Lumia?

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