
Moselo’s Focus to Become a Creative Service Marketplace

1 min read
May 11, 2018
Richard Fang, Founder and CEO of Moselo in the official launching / Moselo
Richard Fang, Founder and CEO of Moselo in the official launching / Moselo

About a year ago, we were having a discussion about Moselo with Richard Fang. It was Weekend Inc’s side project in a form of a chat commerce and Richard was still its CEO. Fast forward to this day, Moselo has become a separate entity and grown into a platform that connects creative industries with consumers. In a simple way as creative service marketplace. It also accommodates online payment in its chat platform.

Fang said to DailySocial that the service is supported by an angel investor, and currently employs 30 people, most are engineers.

Moselo is now having 10 thousand registered users and a thousand experts. Expert is for those providing creative assistance.

He said the creative industry has various challenges in Indonesia. “As a designer, I’m familiar with the creative industry, therefore, I’m aware of the challenge faced by the players.”

Many millennials are into the creative industry, although the idea tends to be rejected by the reason that it has no guarantee to support for living.

“Because it starts from a hobby, to be developed into the public product and be monetized, it’ll give more satisfaction for the creative industry players,” he said.

Moselo is now focus on music, design, videography, photography, beauty, and entertainment industry. Fang said the most popular segments are beauty, design, and photography, from either consumers or experts.

While the freelance portals are given such similar services, Moselo hopes to create a better experience in discussion and transaction.

It provides browsing, conversing, consulting, and shopping in one application.

Payment platform

Midtrans is used as the payment gateway. Consumers can pay directly on the platform when they are firm with the service. It’s quite similar with e-commerce, the (escrow) fund will be kept in Moselo before all work is done.

The CEO admits that there has been an internal discussion regarding DP (Down Payment) implementation. However, they currently applying full payment first. He recommends experts to be more creative in making service packages, for example, by giving consulting session that’s excluded the work packages.

Future planning

Moselo already has lots of product plans in the pipeline for this year. Nevertheless, they’ll be testing it one by one to validate the existing premises.

During this year, Moselo is expected to acquire 75 thousand users and increasing experts into 25 thousand.

“The objective is to explore passion to be more beneficial and making money for them.”

“I expect Moselo to be a platform for creative industry players can connect easily to consumers, also boosting the development of creative industry in Indonesia,” he finished.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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