
Mobile Games Developer War 4: Event for Rookies

1 min read
June 11, 2012

Nokia Developer is back with Mobile Games Developer War. This time, the event will be held as a part of Computer Festival 2012 event series working together with Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia and Agate Studio.

Different with the previous Mobile Games Developer War, this fourth establishment is held especially for rookies, those engaging in mobile game development less than a year or developer with total app download count at the Nokia Store is less than 50.000.

Because it held for rookie, every party (the term used for every team participating in Mobile Games Developer War 4 Rookie), will be guided to get through many standard phases required to create a high quality game. Party will receive guidance starting from creating Game Design Document, Art Design Document and Technical Design Document. Then, party will be led to develop the design into a prototype before entering the Alpha Version, Beta Version and finally the Release Version that will be submitted to Nokia Store.

During those phases, participant will get assistance in document development, 2 weeks online camp, consulting session with Agate Studio, promotion opportunity and monetization support, to assistance and quality control in submitting the games made by participant into Nokia Store.

Mobile Games Developer War 4 Rookie also provides the same amount of prize with Mobile Games Developer War 3, namely IDR60 millions. The difference is the prize is not divided into several categories: best graphic, best cultural content, best team, best game play, best education game and most favorite winner, each will get IDR5 millions. Main winner, Rookie Game of the Year will get IDR30 millions.

Registration is already open from June 1 to June 30. In the first phase, participant is given time to collect the documents until July 8, 2012.

More information about the competition can be found by visiting Mobilegamesdeveloperwar.com or sending an email to [email protected]

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