
Microsoft Gaze, Belum Launch Saja Sudah Mengganggu

1 min read
February 4, 2009

Masih ingat dengan Snap? Popup mengganggu yang muncul ketika anda mengarahkan mouse anda ke sebuah link? Ya jujur plugin itu sangat mengganggu proses membaca di blog beberapa rekan saya yang mengaktifkan plugin tersebut. Namun, apa jadinya kalau Microsoft merilis produk yang hampir serupa?

Microsoft berencana untuk meluncurkan satu produk advertisingnya yang diberi nama Gaze pada 15 April mendatang. Microsoft Gaze ini nantinya akan menyediakan iklan berdasarkan relevansi keyword dari konten situs. Dan seperti Snap, Gaze akan menampilkan pop-up box kecil ketika hover diatas sebuah link. Untuk saat ini, Microsoft Gaze sepertinya masih dalam pengembangan besar-besaran menjelang launching, karena baru mendukung 2 jenis konten situs yaitu Travel dan Selebriti / Infotainment.

Contextual ads are based off dominant keywords in the content of a publisher¡¯s web site. Although at times the dominant keywords are representative of what the content is with technologies like KEX (keyword extraction) and smart algorithms, the dominant keywords may not reflect what the readers¡¯ main interests are. The entities are unbroken phrases that represent semantically combined words making sense to the readers. We define an entity as a unit of information that is of interest to the users and can be monetized. The rich entity is defined as an entity that is enriched with additional pre-defined attributes that are interesting to the users. An example of the rich entity is ¡°Celebrity¡± entity type where we can have ¡°Paris Hilton¡± as a Celebrity entity and itself may have attributes such as her birth place, birth date, favorites, video clips, etc. Figure 1 shows that a rich entity is a phrase that can be monetized with additional attributes and entity types such as Famous People, Location, Product, Company, and Event, are common examples of the rich entities.

Kalau banyak yang mengutuk Snap? Apakah respon anda terhadap produk Microsoft yang satu ini?

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]


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