
MalesBanget Network Launches Slang Directory, KamusSlang

1 min read
April 26, 2012

MBDC Network, who also own content site MalesBanget.com, launches its new product called KamusSlang. As the name implies, KamusSlang (literally “Slang Dictionary”) is an online Indonesian slang language dictionary. KamusSlang was made in order to preserve Indonesian slang language and make it easy for people to access it.

KamusSlang, located at www.kamusslang.com, is a site with user generated content. Users, registered or not, can add new words or add new meaning to the words that already exist. KamusSlang’s admin only moderates the content based on the completeness of the contents, definitions and appropriate way of writing. Editing process is done only to correct typographical error or adding links to related words.

In addition to the meaning of a word search facility, KamusSlang also provides translation feature that is similar to Google Translate. This translation feature translates a sentence inputted by user into standard language, ‘alay’ language, 80s language and internet language. When I tried on this feature, it seems that only the translation from standard language to ‘alay’ language that’s working properly.

KamusSlang encounters similar problems to those encountered by most user generated content sites. Many of the words inputted by users into the KamusSlang are vulgar words. Some of the words even became the most popular ones. When asked about this issue, Christian Sugiono, co-founder of MBDC, said that KamusSlang developer team is developing a filtering system relevant to KamusSlang. The filter is hoped to has been installed within the next month.

The idea of KamusSlang is quite interesting. I myself often use UrbanDictionary, overseas version of KamusSlang to find a meaning of words or a geek term that is often used by internet users. Such words or terms are usually made popular by certain movies. In UrbanDictionary, I also seen some “refined” version of the “vulgar” words in English so the impression is not too strong (even though the level of harshness when used will depend heavily on the context).

Hopefully, in the future, KamusSlang.com can also enrich its contents with words or terms as I mentioned earlier. Also, words with funny but witty translation. The available example existed in KamusSlang which I think rather interesting is the meaning of the word ‘ketifatulan‘.

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