
LexiPal: Helping Children with Dyslexia to Learn in a Fun Way

1 min read
May 28, 2012

This article is the next part in the series of articles about the winners of Imagine Cup Indonesia 2012. Lexipal, created by Antasena team who won the second place in the competition.

Antasena team, which came from University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, is concerned about dyslexia problem experienced by 10% of the population (according to the U.S. Department of Health and Services in 2006). Dyslexia is a learning difficulties associated with language.

They took the name Antasena from a figure in shadow puppet stories that cannot speak very well but actually has a very good heart. So as people with dyslexia, they might have above average intelligence. Some examples of famous names that often mentioned to be having difficulties in learning because of dyslexia are Albert Einstein, Sir Winston Churchill, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney and Lee Kuan Yeuw.

Therefore, Antasena team -which consists of M. Risqi Utama Saputra (team leader and developer, S1 and S2 fasttrack student of Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (JTETI) UGM), Kuntoro Adi Nugroho (developer, S1 and S2 fasttrack JTETI UGM). Vina Sectiana (designer, S1 JTETI UGM) and Vremita Desectia (business analyst, student of Roman Literature UGM)- designed an application for early detection of dyslexia problem in children.

The application is called LexiPal. In addition to early detection of symptoms of dyslexia in children, LexiPal application also has a pleasant and sttractive therapy feature for people with dyslexia.

As described in a promotional video on Youtube, Lexipal comes in two versions, the Home Version for patients, and Therapist Version for psychologist or therapist who treat dyslexic patients. The home version only has two main features, namely for the early detection and basic treatment. While the version for Therapis has several other features such as advanced treatment assessment, treatment with gamification ranging from spelling to reading, 3D modeling, Brain Gym to patient data management.

Unfortunately, until this article is written, DailySocial failed to contact Antasena team so we can’t get more information about how far the development of this LexiPal application is. However, if viewed from the award given by the Imagine Cup Indonesia 2012 and video testimonials from therapists who have tried this application, LexiPal seems to have been able to help patients with dyslexia to learn easier and more enjoyable.

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