
Lazada and OLX Competes For Indonesia’s E-Commerce Brand Champion Spot

1 min read
September 16, 2014

NusaResearch has just rolled out its latest survey about the best e-commerce servers in Indonesia. Based on that research, two e-commerce giants, Lazada and OLX, are competing to win the heart of Indonesian online shopper and e-commerce consumer.

I’m sure that you are no stranger to both companies’ ads, be it on the internet or television. Both giants are dead serious to get the Indonesian consumers attracted to their products and services. In fact, when it comes to branding, they have spent billion of rupiahs to win Indonesia’s consumer top of mind.

Popular Brand Index Results / NusaResearch 2014

According to the survey, OLX possesses the highest expansiveness, meaning that its brand can be found nearly everywhere; from free to paid channels, online and offline. Such high expansiveness may refer to its executive decision to rebrand Tokobagus to OLX, which forces them to spend even much more to get consumer to be familiar with the new brand. The other giant, Lazada, was placed second with slightly lower expansiveness.

But when it comes to metrics, market share number is much more important compared to brand awareness, and OLX is placed second at this crucial metric, slightly below Lazada who sits at the top throne. This is based on the study of mostly visited websites by consumer in the past three months.

Marketshare e-commerce / NusaResearch 2014

While being quite comprehensive, the survey failed to classify the servers into specific categories, i.e marketplace, retail, or classified portals. This categorisation should be taken into consideration, as detailed classification may ease the public to give their own words on those companies. With more details, people may really assess Lazada and OLX based on their business concepts, which are actually differ with each other.

You may download the complete survey from this link below.

Download the complete survey


Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]

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