
“Keranjang Aplikasi” from Qualcomm Wants to Promote Local Android Apps

1 min read
August 10, 2012

Android platform users must be confused by the many apps on Google Play. Of those million apps, there are many apps which do not run as it should, be it local or outside apps. This affects local developers. They build an Android app, which arguably very qualified but having difficulty to promote the app because of it.

Now, Qualcomm has developed an app launcher for Android which aims to support local developers to promote their apps. This app launcher is named Keranjang Aplikasi (App Basket) and recommends qualified apps for Android user in Indonesia.

In the development, Qualcomm is working with content provider Aplikanologi and app developer from Yogyakarta, Oneb1t. According to Deddy Avianto from Aplikanologi, they are trusted by Qualcomm to collect the top 10 best apps (local) which will be wrapped inside the app launcher.

Fachry Bafadal, Managing Director of Onebit, explains that the Keranjang Aplikasi app launcher will be preloaded to various computer tools which support Snapdragon. Keranjang Aplikasi is also useful to support local developers to keep on creating and submitting their apps to be reviewed and promoted.

For the time being, Keranjang Aplikasi is only available for Android but it doesn’t mean that it won’t work for other platforms which support Snapdragon from Qualcomm. If local developers want their apps to be reviewed, they can contact Aplikanologi to be reviewed and included in the list of apps that will be displayed each month.

This seems to be the solution for local Android developers to promote their apps. The potential of new users is also relatively big where said Android apps will be included in Keranjang Aplikasi.

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