
JobsDB Launched Mobile Application for Smartphone in Indonesia

1 min read
February 21, 2012

One of the largest employment information services in Indonesia, JobsDB announced the mobile application for a variety of smartphone platforms. At the same time, mobile JobsDB is now available on BlackBerry App World, App Store for IOS, Nokia Store, and Samsung Apps. So far I know, JobsDB in neighbouring countries is already available for at least three major platforms, BlackBerry, IOS, and Android. A part of Southeast Asia as the main market, JobsDB is also available for East Asia, India, Australia and the United States market.

The comfort for using JobsDB for searching jobs seems to be more fun via smartphone. With a few clicks, we can find the desired job, send your CV directly from the smartphone or share them with friends via email or social networking. There is also a feature to store information of your favourite job.

In Indonesia the job vacancy access via a mobile application is still limited. I think there are no similar services that provide such facilities even though job finding service in overseas like Monster is now having many promotions for their mobile product. Job vacancy searching would be better done casually, for example, while hanging out in cafes or at public transportation on the way home  rather than doing it in the office.

I remember very well how smart JobsDB Singapore advertised their mobile application service at MRT door. Certainly there should be many workers coming from work late at night in an exhausted condition and want to find something new. This is the time when ads like this can “talk” and accompany their way home while hoping to find a new job as desired.

For the application, JobsDB gives opportunity for users to be able to access job vacancies outside Indonesia (not only Indonesia) where the JobsDB service is available. So for users who want to try to seek fortune in another country, you may change country location in order to find a wider selection.

The similar service, Karir.com, is already accommodating mobile web access version. However if users want to apply job, send CV or share information to other friends, I think mobile applications access is the best tool.

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