Digital transformation is starting to multiply in the health sector. As one of the technology service providers in the insurance and health sector, PT Medlinx Asia Teknologi introduces Izidok as a platform that helps doctors manage medical records.
Izidok’s team explained, they developed SaaS products with various Medical e-Record features. In addition to supporting standardized ICD 10 diagnosis, they also claim to be able to receive complete medical record inputs, such as history taking, physical examination along with photos of organs, diagnosis, and procedures. It is also possible for doctors to upload other examination supporting data such as X-rays, lab results, and other examination results.
“Another Izidok’s key feature is Write and Type Ready. Using this feature, doctors can input the patient’s data by typing or writing with a stylus pen. Thus, doctors can still use the traditional way for more modern operations,” explained the Chief Operating Officer ( COO) PT Medlinx Asia Teknologi Timur Bawono.
In addition, Izidok also provides a dashboard to monitor and manage queues, daily income amounts, and input data assistant to help operations in the practice. Next, there is also a schedule control reminder feature that is automatically created.

On the medical e-record regulation and future plans
Technological developments in the digital sector should be prudent. Regulations issued by the government are also quite strict because it involves a lot of personal data that is crucial, such as medical records. In Indonesia alone, technology is slowly changing the way people access health services, there are telemedicine, drug delivery services, and applications to make appointments with doctors.
Izidok, currently is in a different segment. The solution is similar to Medigo’s Klinik Pintar, however, Izidok specifically targets doctors in private practice, while Medigo targets the Clinic.
Bawono said, the idea of making this service departs on operational problems which often encountered by doctors in opening private practices. Medical records in the conventional form are prone to damage. Therefore, Izidok tried to transform it with the help of digital technology.
“In accordance with Minister of Health Regulation No. 269 / MENKES / PER / III / 2008, medical records in non-hospital health service facilities must be kept for at least 2 years from the date the patient was last treated. Referring to this regulation, Izidok can also help private practice doctors comply with regulations with the application that keeps patient data stored in Izidok’s system for 3 years since the medical record was made,” he said.
In addition, Izidok also claims that they store the data safely as it’s secured by encryption, therefore, the data is accessible only by the doctor concerned. To date, the service, which has its debut in April 2020, is still focused on reaching doctors throughout Indonesia.
Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian