
IndonesianCloud Supports Startups with “Start-up Assist”

1 min read
December 30, 2014

In an attempt to overcome the challenges from the very beginning, IndonesianCloud initiated to launch “Start-up Assist”, a program which serves the cloud computing services for free six months to local startups that meet the requirements.

“As a company which has passed its startup phase, IndonesianCloud does aware that entrepreneurs have countless challenges in the beginning of their businesses. As a token of our gratitude, we would like to give something to Indonesian startup community that have helped us getting through the early stages of our business,” IndonesianCloud’s CEO Neil Cresswell told BeritaSatu (27/12).

He added that his team also offers guidance in business, operational, and marketing to the directors of each startups.

To enjoy this service, those startups need to meet a number of requirements, which are being cloud-based with multi-tier architecture, have monetized, and agreed to sign an exclusive contract with IndonesianCloud for two years.

This program is IndonesianCloud’s very first one which deals with startups. All this time, the company’s portfolio is full of partnership with corporation. Recently, IndonesianCloud joined as the member of VMware vCloud Air Network which offers hybrid cloud computing services and partnered with merlot.aero to provide airlines’ operational needs.

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