
IDC: Android Holds 75% of World’s Smartphone Market at The Third Quarter of 2012

1 min read
November 14, 2012

International Data Corporation (IDC) releases a report on world’s smartphone market and Android has added its cookie as the leader of this market with total shipment of 136 million units or 75% of the total market. This number increases 91.5% from the same period last year. iPhone (iOS) placed second with total shipment of 26.9 million units (14.9%) and BlackBerry sales which keep on plummeting is still on the third place with shipment of 7.7 million units (4.3%), down by 34% than the same period last year.

Such large Android market is not broken down based on the vendors. Even so, IDC admits that Samsung dominates most of Android sales, while other vendors suffers from decrease.

Interestingly, the data on Symbian shipment – which turned off slowly – is still showing its movement when compared to Windows Phone. Symbian, which is sold by Nokia (Pureview 808) and several other Japanese cell phones (Sharp, Fujitsu, Sony), placed fourth with 4.1 million units sold. The number is larger than the sales of Windows Phone which largely controlled by Nokia.

However, the biggest percentage number this year is achieved by Windows Phone with 140% growth. Let’s wait for what change will happen at the end of this year after Microsoft launched Windows Phone 8 and brings some flagship phones from HTC, Nokia and Samsung.

In Indonesia, IDC had sparked some controversy when it placed Android above BlackBerry as the most popular smartphone today. Let’s wait for IDC’s (and other research facilities) report on smartphone market in Indonesia for the third quarter of the year.

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