
How Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia Deal with Real-Time Data

1 min read
August 27, 2015

Internet changes many things, including data streaming behavior. Internet makes the data changes frequency unstoppable that people even call it a real-time refreshment. Basically, data is a fundamental component to validate an information. To policy makers, both in corporate and SMEs, awareness towards data validity is very influential for their business achievement, particularly in terms of shaping the market share.  

Today, real-time data has so many channels. In a report by TNS Marketing, below data source channels are mostly used by policy makers to date.

Interestingly, the survey suggests that businesses in Indonesia have the highest percentage of involving the real-time data to their marketing campaign, compared to other APAC countries. Social media and data specialist indeed is a sexy role in Indonesia, as PR Department is dedicated to handle different challenges, not only to connect with public liaison (like media), but also to interact directly with the people.

Despite the awareness towards real time data-related role is quite high, Indonesian players still find difficulties in turning that significant advantage into their own advantage. Singapore is one of countries that really takes the resulted insight seriously. The real-time data is usually processed into an insight of the current market condition and necessities, which later can be used to determine a predictive action to increase the company’s brand awareness.

When being asked about the challenges in real time data management, 70 percent of respondents said integrating various data from various sources is one of difficult parts faced while processing the data. On average (68 percent), they admitted that they don’t follow up the insight found from the process that often. Moreover, 60 percent of the respondents claimed that the insight is still too poor to access.

Based on above image, real-time data is one of fundamental indicators to one’s performance-related knowledge development. There are more and more corporate that start investing at data-driven digital platform and tracking system to help them face dynamic challenges. A disadvantage can be turned into an advantage after all. While others are too busy complaining, starting the race earlier can be a significant advantage for a business.

For a startup, this may serve as a plus point. Real-time data tends to be accessible, as a sharp strategy in analysis is all it takes to excel. Moreover, the features offered by social media are highly beneficial to specifically reach the market. All they need to do is to stay up-to-date and continuously catch up with the market updates.

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