
Hi, I’m Andi

1 min read
April 12, 2012

Ahoy there. Some of you may have realized that for past few weeks, there has been this new guy writing for DailySocial and some of you were like “Who the hell is Andi Miftachul?” or “Who is this lucky guy?” Yeah, I know, I know. Even some of my friends are jealous and said “Lucky you” when I told them I’ll work for Daily Social. So, let me introduce myself and tell you why I deserve this.

My name is Andi Miftachul. You can call me Andi. I have a not-so-important computer science degree from Gadjah Mada University. Aside from a writing experience in my blog, my personal blog, I’ve written for my school’s bulletin board and student IT magazine. And, this next one is big, some of my articles were published on national IT tabloid, last year. I hope those counted.

Previously, I worked as a programmer in an IT consultancy company, but deep inside I kept thinking, “It’s simply not me. I don’t enjoy this.” I enjoy writing and teaching more than coding. So browsed around and when I saw that DailySocial was looking for a writer, I didn’t think twice to apply.

This led me to meet Rama and Wiku. As with any other job interview, I bragged, and they bought it (suckers). So, here I am now, saying hi to all of you.

As of last Monday, I’m a full time writer for Daily Social (sorry to hear that –ed). I’m glad to be here as I’m glad knowing that Indonesia has many potential startup companies ready to rock the world. Behind those companies, I see an enthusiastic, creative, and supportive community. Around that community, I see the visionary leaders that help us see the changes and the future more clearly.

So, no need to be jealous of me writing for DailySocial, lets do our best in our fields. You create, I propagate. And Indonesia will actually rock the world.


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