
HERE Expert Community Indonesia Becomes One of Nokia HERE’s Most Contributive Communities in 2014

1 min read
January 7, 2015

Even though Nokia’s phone business line has been acquired by Microsoft Mobile, this Finland-based legend still owns a number of other lines that operate independently. As a matter of fact, Nokia HERE becomes one of few business lines that the company still runs. Interestingly, the campaign has claimed a success considerably given massive participation from the public so far.

Ever since its launching, Nokia HERE has always aimed to build a proper digital map for portable devices. In the process, the project has drawn the attention of more than 1000 Indonesians who consequently join as willing contributors. Thanks to the HERE Map Creator that Nokia introduced back in 2013 that those members can actively contribute and share their ideas within a community called the “HERE Expert Community”.

Nokia claimed that during last May-July 2014, there were 1 million editing being carried on by HERE Expert Community, guiding the community to become one of Nokia’s most active community worldwide. The giant even wrote a review on Nokia HERE’s official blog to express its appreciation to the community.

It is undeniable to say that Indonesia’s enormous size played a significant part in shaping the community’s activeness, as the team successfully mapped 618.000 kilometers road, 285.123 points of interest, and 187.812 house numbers in 2014 alone. Moreover, Nokia HERE also introduced Map Master, a group of exclusive people who have the most significant contribution, within the community, for the very first time.

Besides luring the public, Nokia also enters communities in numerous reputable universities in Indonesia. So far, five universities have been listed: University of Indonesia, Diponegoro University, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University, and Jenderal Soedirman University.

Students who join this program will get countless benefits, from internship to practicing in a real workplace opportunities. Those who want their university getting listed in Nokia’s University Community only need to send an e-mail regarding the demand to idecpteam[at]here.com.

In welcoming 2015, Nokia HERE Indonesia has designed tons of agendas. One of them would be the “Lost in Heaven” program, which aims to award members who post the most interesting tourism route with a set of travelling accommodation. Development-related programs, such as the Internship Program, Seminar, and both Web App Challenge and Mobile App Challenge which involve HERE Maps API, will also remain taking place.

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