
Hack & Roll by Yahoo! Koprol

1 min read
June 27, 2011

If you’re getting tired of similar competitions you might want to check this one out. Yahoo! Koprol is holding Hack&Roll based in Indonesia and Philippines. Developers will compete using unreleased Koprol API and work some wonders. They will have only 3 weeks to do that. For what prize? For 3 newest game console, for three winners.

Hack & Roll as a form of appreciation towards hackers by Yahoo! Koprol. Hacker here (in Indonesia) is in a negative way, where they can be positive if they are doing something that will bring good. Hack & Roll will be kicked off today [registration form is yet to be available]. Idea registration (yes you read me correctly, you need to submit your idea on what do you want to do with Koprol API) is open until July 15, 2011 23.59 Jakarta time or Juli 16, 2011 00.59 Manila time. Although the party itself will only be held at these two cities, everyone around the globe can join. You just need to form a team maximun of four people, it can be a solo member team, 2 member, or 3 as well.

API will be opened on July 25, 2011 for selected teams only. They will then have three weeks to work their wonder and submit it to Hack Profile by the latest on August 12, 2011 23.59 Jakarta time or August 13, 2011 00.59 Manila time. Unfortunately you need to host your own work. There’s XBOX 360 with Kinect for 1st Winner, PlayStation 3 for 2nd Winner, and Nintendo Wii for 3rd Winner.

Hack & Roll will be officially introduced today. The event is organized by Thomas Diong and Yahoo! Koprol team. For updated info and technical support, you can follow its Koprol account @hackandroll.

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