
Government : E-commerce Companies Must Obtain Certificate

1 min read
May 9, 2012

As cited from Kontan, in a Government Regulation Draft – Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) on the administration system and electronic transaction that will be approved, one of its article mentioned that e-commerce owner must have a certificate of security of electronic transactions. This is done to ensure the security of transaction conducted via the internet.

In the same article, Ashwin Sasongko, Director General of Telematics Applications of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology that the Ministry wants to ensure that the land (internet) used as a place for e-commerce transaction is secure.

The growing of e-commerce makes the government feels the need to make special rule about this business. During this time, e-commerce activity is only regulated by the Law of Information and Electronic Transaction – Undang-undang Informasi and Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE).

Azhar Hasyim, Director of e-Business of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, said that the RPP is to be passed soon. According to Azhar, as written by Kompas Tekno, the RPP is expected to be completed this year.

In addition to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, several related parties are also been discussed such as the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Bank of Indonesia and the Ministry of Commerce. If the regulation draft is finished aligned by these parties, it will be brought to the State Secretary and be signed by the President for approval.

With the formation of idEA, Indonesia E-Commerce Association, government’s move to regulate e-commerce activities could be so much easier because the government can discuss directly with the players of the industry through idEA. Hopefully, the regulation can help to develop the business as well as protecting the costumers to be more comfortable in buying and selling via the internet.

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