Google released another update for Google Maps regarding its landmark and route navigation. The update is intended to localize the use of map for each country. At the moment, the update has been available for iOS and Android-based Google Maps.
The updates include six additional languages, in which Bahasa Indonesia becomes one of them, the placement of new Google logo, information or comment sharing about the route feature, personal customization feature called Google My Maps, and Street View Thumbnail feature which allows users to preview the route and street condition.
In addition, the voice service that directs users by default becomes more detailed, adjusted to available landmarks and route navigation. By equipping the landmark and route navigation feture to the app, Google intends to help users who find difficulties in finding street signs by showing them certain landmarks along the route.
In Indonesia, this update has been available for 12 cities, namely Bandung, Bekasi, Bogor, Denpasar, Badung, Jakarta, Malang, Semarang, Surabaya, Surakarta, Tangerang, and Yogyakarta.
Landmarks like Selamat Datang statue, Monas or ATMs can be the next gen of street sign. This accommodates Indonesians’ habit of using landmarks as their check point while having a trip.
This innovation enables users to travel more securely and conveniently, as they now know the best route to take. This information could be priceless, especially when they are in toll road where taking the wrong exit isn’t an option.