
Google Launches Personal Content Search Feature

1 min read
January 12, 2012

Search feature in Google search engine now produces more personal data. In addition to the regular search results, Google now also display personal information relating to our profile on Google+. Our friend’s post, photo, profile in Google+ will now be a reference for search results in Google Search. The result will be displayed on the first page of search. Sign in to your Google+ is absolutely necessary for Google enable to display this search.

There are three new features related to Google’s search results. The first is Personal Results; it’s where we can find photos and posts owned by people in the Google+ circle that we have. Second is the appearance of both Profiles in “auto complete search” and “search results” to find people who we want. The last is “People” and “Pages” that will appear related to the topic or area of ​​interest.

These new feature become the continuity for the new direction of Google search that is more and more social. Nowadays, social networking function may have started to replace the SEO for top ranking. Moreover, this is Google’s effort to promote Google+ rivalling other social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Until the end of 2011, Google+ has 62 million users, although there is no data on how many people use it regularly.

If you want to get top position in Google search using specific keyword, you can do experiment with a Google+ post. If the post is getting more than one “+1” and “comments”; having words that are relevant to a keyword search, the post will be in the first page – or even at the top of the search.

As i wrote this article, the search results that display the content associated with a Google+ profile have not been displayed, although I tried it with my Google+ sign in profile. Google said that the change is happening “today”, so we can expect this would be implemented immediately.

If you want further explanation of these features, please refer to the following promotional video:

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