
Go-Jek and Pos Logistik Indonesia Set Go-Box’s Trial on September 21

1 min read
September 17, 2015

Go-Jek finally inaugurates Go-Box as one of its services. Go-Box partners with Pos Logistik Indonesia, one of Pos Indonesia’s subsidiary which handles goods delivery, to connect customers with truck and pickup drivers via smartphone. The service will be on trial per September 21, and officially serves on October 7.

After giving people silent treatment since the end of last August, though plenty of proofs had shown that Go-Box is part of Go-Jek, the company finally reveals the truth.

“We will enter Go-Jek’s app. Go-Box will be soft launched on September 21, and be made official on October 7. Why does Pos Logistik uses Go-Jek? It’s because millions of people download the app. Thus, Pos Logistik doesn’t need to create a new app and work hard to attract users,” Pos Logistik Indonesia’s Business Solution Director Yan Hendry confirmed during an interview session with Marketeers.

“We’re pretty sure that our solution will be popular, given the Jakarta’s messy traffic. It deals with company’s productivity. Surprisingly, we found multiple segments. We were used to think that this Go-Box service is only for exclusive segment. In reality, demands are coming from segments we least expected,” he continued.

Go-Jek has started Go-Box by distributing online questionnaire, as the company wants to draw as many insight as it can. The questionnaire can be accessed by clicking this link. Go-Jek has reportedly prepared four car types, from box pickup to tub pickup, single tub and single box. It even offers blindvan as an option.

The company confirms that it will launch the service in four limited areas, which are Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Bali Island. The delivery can be done to all cities in Java and Bali Island. Consumers don’t need to download nor install any new app to access the service, since Go-Box will be accessible to the existing Go-Jek app.

Go-Jek has started promoting the solution in the ongoing Indonesian Transportation Exhibition in Jakarta. According to a photo we imported from Kyatmaja Lookman’s Facebook account, Go-Box solution will ride on Pos Indonesia’s typical orange-colored vehicle.

Go-Jek indeed is very aggressive to expand its businesses, thanks to the latest funding from Sequoia Capital. It was only two days ago that the company released a video of a brand new grocery delivery service.

There are of course worries, due to the rapid expansion, particularly on how Go-Jek handles its partnering drivers effectively and efficiently. Let’s just see how the team pull out all their plans.

Translated by Rifki Aria Nugraha

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