
Freelancer.com Now Facilitates Offline Jobs through “Local Jobs”

1 min read
April 23, 2015

Freelancer.com announced that the team are ready to implement their latest service called “Local Jobs”. The feature adds more than 100 skills that are related to offline jobs based on the specific location in various segments.

After gathering more than 500 thousand users all over Indonesia, Freelancer.com keeps growing into a reliable marketplace in which freelancers and project owners meet and cooperate. In its official statement, Freelancer.com Indonesia’s Country Manager Helma Kusuma said that this Local Jobs feature will add 850 more skill categories on the platform.

“This expansion goes into more than 100 new skills related to jobs based on theor specific location like pick up & delivery, trades (electrician, plumber, builder), and profession (event management & catering). After possessing more than 750 skills, or we call them projects/jobs, we now have a total of 850 job categories,” Kusuma stated.

Freelancer confirmed that online services have been a huge market, and the potential will keep growing significantly. Freelancer.com’s CEO and Chairman Matt Barrie summed up McKensey Global Institute’s report, “160 million jobs, or around 11% of the services, which are projected to be 1,46 billion all over the world, can theoretically be accessed everywhere, regardless on whether they’re being available or not.”

Per last Monday (20/4), Local Jobs has been adopted by Freelancer.com for Australian market that initiates the expansion in Asia Pacific. Its adoption in Indonesia is planned to be available in this coming May or June.

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