
FodBoo, Social Networking Candidate for Education

1 min read
April 12, 2012

Several days ago, DailySocial received word about FodBoo. Although it’s not really ready to be used, based on the information from its website, FodBoo is a social networking that takes education as its theme.

On the front page that takes shape as a slider, FodBoo displays several of its features. Among them, FodBoo will connect you and your friends at school and outside school and let you share your knowledge with them. You can upload, view and download lesson materials. In addition, like any other social networking, you can share your activity with your friends.

Apparently, every individual who is registered with FodBoo will be grouped according to the school they attend, which then also will be grouped by the province where the school is located. User will be able to find lesson material based on this grouping.

At a glance, the logo used by FodBoo is similar to the logo for Sixreps. FodBoo’s contact page is not active yet so I can’t figure out who/which team is behind this FodBoo service.

When I tried to register to this service, the registration process was successful but nothing happened when I tried to log in with said registered account. In addition, the still not active links make it looks like that the service is not ready to use.

From the screen shot of the profile page displayed on the slider at the front page, it looks like FodBoo’s profile view will be similar to Facebook. I am also a bit surprise with the name. Why FodBoo? How will FodBoo describe a social network to share knowledge? Is FodBoo chosen because it has the same initial as Facebook (FB)? We’ll let you know more about FodBoo if we hear anything further. In the meantime, do let us know what you think about FodBoo or if you have any info that you can share about this website.

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