
Five Tips to Becoming a Productive Remote Worker

1 min read
December 20, 2016
Remote work allows employees to get their jobs done away from the office, but it's not as easy as it sounds / Shutterstock

In this digital era, remote work has become a way of life. Attendance is no longer compulsory in some companies as they have turned to key performance indicators (KPI) to evaluate employees’ productivity.

However, remote work is not as easy as it sounds. Although workers are given the opportunity to choose the most comfortable way to work, they still need to accomplish the company’s goals and expectations.

We compiled five tips for remote workers to be able to work more productively.

Build a fixed work schedule

Remote working is synonymous with time and place flexibility. Self-discipline is crucial to get the work done. Therefore, it is suggested to draw up a fixed work schedule. It is even better if the working schedule follows the company’s office hours as it ensures the employee’s availability during a time of urgency. Most importantly, create a mindset that you need to work within the allocated time.

Find a place that suits your preferences and working habits

Each person has their own working habits. Some may prefer to work at home, while others find it more comfortable to work in a coffee shop. Understanding your personal preferences and working habits will help you find the best way to work productively. Find a place that can accommodate all of your needs. If you want to work from home, make sure to tell your friends or family that you are at home to work, not for leisure.

Communicate with your team

Communication plays a crucial role in a team’s success. Therefore, while working away from the office, make sure you frequently communicate with your team. Messaging applications, task management and online workspace are some tools you need to have while working remotely, as they allow you to be easily contactable at any time and anywhere.

Be attentive and ready any time

Generally, the companies that allow working remotely are offices with flexible production systems, such as software companies, creative agencies and design firms. The tasks do not necessarily need to be done at the office.

However, this flexibility requires the employees to be attentive and ready at any time, especially in a time of crisis. It’s strongly suggested to bring electronic gadgets like mobile phones or laptops while working remotely.

Produce consistent results

At the end of the day, results are the benchmark of evaluating employees’ productivity. Use the flexible time to hone your skills. Try to produce consistent results to strengthen the company’s faith in your working ability, even if you are not physically present at the office.

Disclosure: The original article is in Indonesian and syndicated in English by The Jakarta Post

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