
Event: Mozilla Firefox 4 Launch Party Indonesia

1 min read
April 30, 2011

Since it was launched, Mozilla Firefox 4 has reached over 114 million downloads, where Indonesians download over 3.1 million downloads (second biggest in Asia after India). Moxilla Indonesia Community (id-Mozillla) will celebrate #fx4party planned in 6 large cities in Indonesia plus two school / campus visits.

The series of events started in Yogyakarta last Friday at Pendopo Dalem, continues to Jakarta today (18.00-21.00) at Salihara Rooftop Theater. The event then moves on to Bandung (May 1), Surabaya (May 4), Makasar (May 6) and the last one will be in Bali (May 7). Other than that there will be two school / campus visits, to Pax Patriae High School, Bekasi on May 3 and Ma Chung University in Malang on May 5.

The events are held for free, no entry fees applied. All you need to do is reserve your seat at: http://www.meetup.com/firefox/. Representing Mozilla HQ there will be big names such as Gen Kanai (Contributor Engagement Team & Director of Asia Business Development), Luke Wagner (JS Engine Engineer), Christian Legnitto (Firefox Release Manager), David Anderson (JS Engine Engineer), David Mandalin (JS Engine Engineer) and Joshua Aas (Macintosh Developer for Firefox ).

The complete information can be found here or you can contact Indonesia Community Manager Mozilla, Viking Karwur.

Disclosure: DailySocial is one of Indonesia #fx4party media partner.

Translated by Nita Sellya.

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