
Event: FOWAB #5, “Technology Trends for Digital”

1 min read
March 15, 2011

Well it’s time for FOWAB #5 already. This routine event will be held on March 19, 2011 at S28 Café & Resto, Jl. Sulanjana 28 Bandung 17.00-22.00. This time they will talk about “Technology Trends for Digital” together with SparxUp.

The speakers will be Muqorrobien Marufi (Enterprise Software Architect) as first speaker, Rama Mamuaya* (DailySocial) as second speaker, and guest speaker from Orori.com/LoveBunch as representative of SparxUp winner.

For the first two speakers, they are the same with SparxUp Seminar in Jakarta the other day, only the third speaker will be from Orori.com/LoveBunch. Because this event is cooperation with FOWAB, there will be a routine FOWAB event 10 by 10 session, a session for the best 3 participants to present theirs slides on FOWAB #5.

As written in their website, for the main theme they will discuss about trends in digital world mainly used in information and technology world. Many information on real time technology and cloud technology will be discussed here in FOWAB #5.

As for 10 by 10 session, participants can send their presentations to [email protected] by the lates of March 18, 2011. 3 best presentations will be chosen and given the opportunity to present at FOWAB #5, as usual presentation should be in 10 minutes time and 10 slides max. The theme should be trends in recent technology like real time technology, cloud computing, HTML 5, etc or a totally unique and useful information.

If you want to attend FOWAB #5 you can register here, registration fee is Rp 25.000/person (including free dinner). The event is limited to 100 people only. Complete information can be found here.

*in confirmation

Disclosure: DailySocial is FOWAB #5’s media partner and one of SparxUp Award’s 2010 organizer.

Translated by Nita Sellya

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