
[DSChoice] Lacak.io and Invita are in Fundraising Stage

3 mins read
July 16, 2019
DSChoice is a special segment about curated startups that are currently fundraising. For July 2019, we share the information about Lacak.io and Invita
DSChoice is a special segment about curated startups that are currently fundraising. For July 2019, we share the information about Lacak.io and Invita

As part of the commitment to support Indonesian startup industry, DailySocial is making a list of curated startups that are currently fundraising by reviewing the industry potential and the current traction. Information displayed here comes directly from the founders. Each recommendation is accompanied with limited details.

Lacak.io (Jakarta)

Vertical, Platform & Year of Founded: Logistics, Web & Mobile (Android), 2014

Situs Lacak.io
Lacak.io front interface

Lacak develops a platform to facilitate the business to monitor their logistics units. The app is also able to to detect various data, such as the item and engine temperature, fuel level, and driving manner. Lacak.io is using a monetization system based on membership per device.

What is Lacak.io?

“The app is to focus on logistics management solution in reducing the cost of monitoring trucks location (location tracking), fuel consumption (efficiency), driving behavior (safety), shipment performance (productivity), cargo temperature (quality). Connecting trucks to the larger corporation system (connectivity/integration).”

“It’s also to transform traditional trucking for better logistics in Indonesia by having digitalized units to improve efficiency & safety.”

How about Lacak.io’s business traction and metrics?

“Our business model depends on the active trucks connected to our platform. One account/user can have more than one trucks, should they have 100 trucks, we’ll take $10 for each from one use per month.”

Explain what you’re planning to do with the funding?

“We realized that our product offer much more opportunities, for example, detecting distraction such as sleepy movements, cellphone usage during the trip, etc. The video surveillance to prove what happened around the trucks during an accident/robbery. Therefore, we’ll use the fresh funding to bring as much opportunity and features for a better logistics company in Indonesia.”

“In addition, we often get inquiries from customers outside Jabodetabek area. There will be difficulties to serve potential customers coming from other cities with such small teams. We also plan to use part of the funding to open rep office (in a coworking space to save cost) for at least 1-2 customer relation, product, and engineer teams can handle each city.”

“Furthermore, the current traction is obtained through our CEO and COO, we haven’t had any significant marketing and sales strategy. We’re to accelerate sales by pushing the sales team and marketing strategy for both offline and online.”

“Should we receive funding within the Q3, we are confident to achieve 25K connected trucks. It’s to bring benefit worth USD 150K+ monthly revenue.”

“We do expect our investors as strategic partners that could also save us potential customers, and those eager to make a revolution in the logistics industry in Indonesia.”

Fundraising Detail

How much do you expect to raise? How much equity are you willing to give away for this round?
$400.000 20% max

Further details:

  • Founders: Danny Jiang and Fariz Iskandar, supported by 25 team members
  • Funding Round: seed ($200,000)
  • Competitor: Nusantara GPS, Cartrack, GPSku, etc.

Invita (Medan)

Vertical, Platform & Year of Founded: SaaS platform in design, Web, 2017

Situs Invita.id
Tampilan situs Invita.id

Invita runs a website platform for the digital invitation that allows anyone to design an online invitation. They also use some supporting technologies, for example, the QR Code check-in to facilitate invitees in filling the guest book. Currently, the variant designs are still focused on weddings.

What is Invita?

“We are creating a platform to help couples celebrate wedding effortlessly and effectively. Start from digital invitations.”

“People can see that there is a huge problem when the potential customers being asked ‘How was your wedding?’ and their only answer is ‘It’s so stressful, tiring, hectic, and so on…'”

How about Invita’s business development traction and metrics?

“Currently, we have 1160 registered members and 1348 monthly unique visitors.”

Explain what you’re planning to do with the funding?

“We’ve started an angel round, the raised funding is to be used mostly for developing a new product and revenue model. In terms of the marketing plan, considering this as a new service in the wedding industry, it’ll cost much to educate the market.”

Fundraising Detail

How much do you expect to raise? How much equity are you willing to give away for this round?
$450,000 20% max

Further details:

If you are an investor or part of the venture capital, we have a special newsletter of complete information about the recommendations, including pitch deck and traction. However, have you had any intention to connect with the related founder, we’d be willing to help. For further information, please contact [email protected].

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