
Discuss Your Health Matters on MeetDoctor

1 min read
November 15, 2011

You have probably seen a lot of health consultation column in the internet run by expert individuals or even attached to certain portal. Say Detikhealth, they give a lot of information about health together with their supported experts. What if the concept of questions & answer site with health issues exists online and interactive for you so you don’t have to go waste your time and see the doctor? This is what MeetDoctor is all about.

MeetDoctor is founded by dr. Adhiatma Gunawan to help people saves time while interacting with a team of medical doctors. These team helps detect early symptoms as an early step to confirm an illness. And there’s more, MeetDoctor also gives a directory of hospitals and doctors for those in need. In the future, MeetDoctor will try to combine online private chat between doctors and patients, bringing the sometimes-scary offline experience online.

MeetDoctor gives unarguable lots of benefits, although I do have some notes on the service. First one is branding. The name “MeetDoctor” is a generic global name which probably will attract people all over the world, unfortunately MeetDoctor is only available for Indonesians. They should make themselves available globally, and they have the perfect brand to do so, I suggest adding English language support for the site.

My second note is the doctor’s reputations. It’s public secret that in Indonesia (and probably the rest of the world) reputations is the only thing that people look for in viewing a doctor. You can check in every hospitals, doctors with better reputations will get more respect and publicized. Unfortunately, MeetDoctor doesn’t seem to be doing anything about this and seemed to be withholding the information about the team of doctors behind the online consultation service.

The newly-launched service had some attraction from foreign awards, in this case Asia’s Top 50 Apps Awards. And of course we expect MeetDoctor will improve their services, maybe starts promoting their doctors, mobile version of the site or even better – a mobile app. It’s still a long journey for MeetDoctor in order to become a comprehensive site about health, but I have full faith if they can be consistent and commited.

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