
DealKeren Launched Mobile Web Version

1 min read
May 5, 2011

One of popular daily deals sites in Indonesia, DealKeren launched mobile web version to accommodate cellphone users. According to Nia Anchali, Business Development Head DealKeren, the update was displayed since two weeks ago. Unfortunately DealKeren do not have a blog post that explains “story” behind this mobile web version. You can check mobile look of DealKeren here.

I think it’ll be better if the system can detect automatically visitors that come from cellphone browser and direct them immediately to mobile web without having to have special folder (mobile) for this.

So far, only Lapar.com and Groupon Disdus that I knew have implemented this mobile web principle, and only Lapar, Disdus and DealKeren that design specifically daily deals look for cellphone users. Bear in mind that John Liu, Head of Google China at GMIC, emphasized on the first point that smartphone is the future. In Indonesia, more people access internet through cellphone than computer. This has to be put into more consideration for startups developer so they won’t miss the opportunity.

Now, back to DealKeren mobile site, I admit it looks kind of intuitive. You can create new login and conduct transaction from this mobile look. Even so, I still find several flaws here. Based on accessing form BlackBerry browser (OS 5.0) and Mobile Safari (iOS), especially for BB browser we cannot use drop down city options (Jakarta or Bandung). When signing up, both through BB or iOS I can’t use Connect with Facebook option. When choosing to register new user, the 5 lines in the forms are not very informative. On BlackBerry browser, there’s a title for every line if we mouse-over them, but on iOS that doesn’t happen, they just look empty.

One other thing, simple as it may look, there’s not link to frontpage on DealKeren’s logo. For user experience (UX), usually this link will be a savior to go back to front page if visitor got “lost” in its web pages. It is true that by clicking deals icon you can get back to frontpage but still, it’ll be much better to put the link on the logo.

In the future, I hope daily deals websites will pay more attention to make purchase and voucher use be a more comfortable experience, where we don’t need to print out the vouchers. Just use your cellphone and show the digital voucher upon purchase.

Translated by Nita Sellya.


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