
Mindtalk Cofounder, Danny Wirianto, Nominated for Top Founder Institute Mentors 2012 Awards

1 min read
May 16, 2013

Successful tech entrepreneur Danny Wirianto has been nominated as one of the Top Mentors for Founder Institute worldwide incubation program. Danny is the only Indonesian to be nominated for Asia-based mentors together with Vinnie Lauria from Golden Gate Ventures and Ly Nguyen Hoang from Komtek. 

According to Founder Institute’s official page, these mentors has been sharing best practices, difficult lessons learned, and provide invaluable feedback for participants build the next generation of meaningful and enduring technology companies. When a founder is in need they come to the rescue, which is why these super mentors are referred to as Startup Superheroes.

In total there’s 39 super mentors nominated from all over the world, from Asia, Latin America, Australia and Europe. There’s 13 categories for super mentors ranging from Best Female Mentors, until Most Supportive Mentors. These 39 super mentors are picked based on how participants rate their mentoring session with the mentors, out of 2500 mentors worldwide.

Wirianto has been actively mentoring startups and entrepreneurs via events, workshops and tech-incubation program while still maintaining growth for his own interest-based social platform, Mindtalk. In a statement for DailySocial, Wirianto said, “Founder institute is a great platform to help to build ecosystem in indonesia, helping potential start up to able to be have a chance to be success in the industry. My experience has been fun, great, and amazing. Its also a great platform to share knowledge.”.

disclosure: Danny Wirianto is an executive at Merah Putih Incubator which also incubates DailySocial

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

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