
CyberAgent Ventures Brought NetImpact Conference to Jakarta

1 min read
February 21, 2012

Japanese investors CyberAgent Group Ventures (CAV) will bring NetImpact conference to Jakarta in March. In the native country, Japan, NetImpact is the most influential technology investor’s event in Asia and it was attended by all investors who focus on the technology industry. In 2011, CAV brought NetImpact to Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), Sheng Zhen (China) where CAV is very active as an investor in local technology company.

In Jakarta, CAV will bring the most influential investors in Asia with speakers from Japan, China and Vietnam. Unfortunately there is only one speaker from Indonesia,  Shinta Dhanurwardoyo (Net Ventures) would join with speakers from various Asian countries in a panel discussion.

Several speakers who would attend and present keynote session are:

  • Nobuaki Kitagawa, China Ventures Inc. CyberAgent., CEO
  • Toshimitsu Namba, Cyber ​​Agent Inc., VP Of Ameba Division
  • Tetsuya Mori, DeNA Inc., VP of Business Development Asia
  • Noritaka Kobayashi, GREE Inc., Head of APAC Business Development
  • Songbo Li, Sina Weibo Inc., Director of Sina Weibo Fund and Venture Partner of DFJ China
  • Nguyen Ngoc Hieu, NCT Corporation, CSO
  • Nguyen Minh Nhat, “Teamobi” / Green Mobile Corporation, Director and CBO
  • Jing Liu, VNG Corporation, Senior Manager (Business Development)

From the list of speakers, it is clear that local entrepreneurs will gain insight from experts in the technology investment area across Asia. It’s really an event that can’t be missed.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

Contact me : [email protected]

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