
Crowdsourcing app Sribu closes funding from East Ventures

1 min read
February 1, 2012

East Ventures adds one more company to its portfolio and this time it’s SparxUp Winner for Best User Generated Content category, Sribu.com. No details were given as to the size of the investment but they do inform us that East Ventures is not taking any board seat in the company.

Besides winning SparxUp Awards, Sribu also pitched at Jakarta Ventures Night a few weeks ago, and as Ryan Gondokusumo told us, his team will use the fresh capital to boost the company to become Indonesia’s #1 crowdsourcing company. Ryan also believes that East Ventures’ mentorship and guidance will become essential to Sribu’s progress.

Sribu launched July 2011 as a crowdsourcing app that connects designers to clients in need of creative solutions (graphic design, illustration, web design, etc). Until last year (2011) Sribu has more than 7000 designers signed up as their member and just over 60 clients.

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